Every item we sell is guaranteed to be 100% authentic and brand new.
WatchMaxx.com is exactly the kind of source you can trust, because you can check our reputation before you buy, use your choice of payment methods, return the product if you are not satisfied, and enjoy your item knowing it is guaranteed.
Yes. You can return regular purchases for up to 30 days after delivery. Some items are marked “final sale” and cannot be returned. You can see our return policy in detail here.
We guarantee every watch we sell for at least 2 years, longer if the manufacturer's guarantee exceeds 2 years. The details of our guarantee policy can be found here.
We accept credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, wire transfer, certified checks, traveler's checks and money orders. For orders placed in the USA, we also offer financing through Affirm. Please see our Payment Options page for further details, including policies for international orders.
We attempt to ship every order as soon as possible, depending on the inventory status:
10:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. EST Monday-Thursday
9:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. EST Friday
Closed Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
Our customer service staff will gladly assist you via chat, email, phone, or our contact us page.
We can be reached at (877) 928-2469 in the USA, or at (646) 216-8695 from outside the USA.
We use state-of-the art encryption and fraud detection technology to protect your personal information and assure your security. We keep only enough information to process your order. We never sell, lease, or share your email address or other personal information.
With most of the items we sell, there is an option to add an extended protection plan at the time of purchase.
We have also partnered with Jewelers Mutual Group to provide information to our U.S. and Canadian (excluding Québec) customers about insuring their watch and jewelry purchases. See our Jewelry Insurance page for more information.